Sunday 28 September 2014

"i am a kpop fan"

hey. i'm back again. this time round, i'm going to address the issue on being a fangirl. it seems like nobody in school understands me. i get so frustrated when people link me up to kpop for like every single thing. i am a proud kpop fan but aside from being a kpop fan, i am also a student, a sister, a daughter, a student leader, a dancer, a classmate and a friend to many. my love for kpop or maybe just infinite might be extremely crazy, but that does not make me more alien and less human. i am speaking for all the kpop fans in the world. each and every one of us have our own interest. for kpop fans, we love music. just because the music is in korean and we don't understand it, it doesn't mean we don't know how to appreciate art. those korean artistes (most of them) have really angelic voices that touches our heart. in my case, i really like sunggyu's voice. i don't need to know the lyrics to what he is singing. i just enjoy it. now, that is what i call art. my next point is, don't link kpop fans to crazy. you might not know their story. some of them are really vulnerable at heart and those kpop artistes are their emotional support. without those korean boys, i'm sure many would have cut and be gone for eternity. you must be wondering "what the shit on earth... how did those plastic ugly koreans save lives?" well, let me tell you. they are role models to many. they never give up. they continue working even if they are extremely tired. we all know that the entertainment industry is a cruel place. fangirls hang in there because their idols hang in there for them. do not just judge a book by its cover, some of these crazy fangirls are really low in spirits. they need their source of energy so do not hurt them further and please support them. there's another type of crazy fangirl. they have a really quirky personality. that is who they actually are. if you are not happy with their personality, please get the fuck off. you can't hate on one's personality. it's their nature. just accept it and move on. you don't want to hear people saying that they hate your personality. you are who you are and some things can't be changed. they are not crazy after liking kpop. they are just releasing their inner true self. the last point i am going to bring up is being a fangirl is not easy. stop saying that "being a fangirl is easy." that's what you see on the surface. we save previews and hds on a daily basis. we get ourselves updated on our idols. we tweet about ours idols. we watch every single tv shows and interviews that out idols are involved in. i am not complaining that i am having a hard time fangirling. I'm doing fine. i just hate it when my friends repeatly say that fangirling is easy and anyone could do it. not everyone can. ONLY DEVOTED FANGIRLS CAN. do you get my point??? i love fangirling a lot. why do i fangirl? I meet many people around the world through the internet who have common interests. i love music and dance. i love to see my boys working hard for their fans. they are my motivation to do better. my boys are my breather in life. if you know me, my work is really overwhelming and it's killing me. i'm even having depression but thanks to the boys, i am recovering well. we did not choose to fangirl. the fangirl life chose us. do not stereotype the whole entire kpop fandom because of the minority who are immature. thank you. (: